Monksdown Primary School

Monksdown Primary School



Maths at Monksdown

Key Documents

Maths Intent, Implementation and Impact

Maths polic

Ready to Progress documents from Y1 to Y6

Adaptations to the Curriculum for Pupils with SEND (Curriculum Statements)

Calculation Policy

White Rose Hub Calculation Policy and Progression of skills from N to Y6

Department of Education Multiplication Tables Check

Our Vision

Mathematics teaches children how to make sense of the world around them through developing their ability to use number, calculate, reason and solve problems. It helps children to understand relationships and patterns in both number and space in their everyday lives. Our aim is to create a culture where mathematics is seen in a positive light so children understand the importance of numeracy skills in the ‘real world’.

At Monksdown, we embrace the core aims of the new National Curriculum: fluency, accuracy, precision, reasoning and problem solving. We use the  ‘White Rose Maths’  schemes of work to ensure a ‘small steps’ consistent approach to delivering these key aspects are embedded within daily application. ‘Mastery approaches’  ensure deep, long-term, secure and adaptable understanding of the subject, providing a tool for life. Teachers reinforce an expectation that all pupils are capable of achieving high standards in mathematics.

The focus is on the development of deep structural knowledge and the ability to make connections. Making connections in mathematics deepens knowledge of concepts and procedures, ensures what is learnt is sustained over time, and cuts down the time required to assimilate and master later concepts and techniques.

Fluency comes from deep knowledge and practice. Pupils work hard and are productive. At early stages, explicit learning of multiplication tables is important in the journey towards fluency and contributes to quick and efficient mental calculation. Practice leads to other number facts becoming second nature. The ability to recall facts from long term memory and manipulate them to work out other facts is also important. To support this, Years 4 and 5 have additional Mastery sessions using resources from NCETM KS2 Mastering Number. Reception, Year 1 and 2 also have additional Mastery sessions, focussing on number sense and making connections. 

We work alongside the National Centre for Excellence in Teaching of Mathematics  (NCETM) to continually improve our teaching and learning and actively continue our development in mathematics within our Local Maths Hub. 

We are also proud to work with ‘Raising Aspirations’  Positive footprints Network. We engage in a series of activities in Upper Key Stage 2 to ensure children understand the need to build resilience, increase confidence,  develop self-belief, develop employability skills, increase self-awareness, raise their aspirations and open up the world of work. ‘My Money’ and ‘Futures’ programmes bring a real-life money experience into the classroom.

Parent help.

White Rose maths have produced some excellent resources to help you support your child with their learning at home. Why not give them a try? 

 Maths with Michael | White Rose Maths

1-Minute Maths App | White Rose Maths







Parent workshops also take place in Spring term for Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 parents so please keep an eye out for information about these sessions. 

Reception workshop – 15.01.25 at 2.15pm

Year 1 workshop – 22.01.25 at 2.15pm

Year 2 workshop – 12.02.25 at 2.15pm


Monksdown are proud to partner with the Liverpool Cental Credit Union to bring our school bank to life. Our savings club aims to give children practical experience of saving and making decisions about money.

Monksdown bank run by Year 6 pupils, takes place every Monday from 9am to 10am in the school library. During this time, children who have registered are able to deposit money into their savings account. Look out for the QR codes around school to sign up. 



Helping your child with Maths.

Research suggests that being able to recall times tables fluently is helpful when it comes to other maths activities. Having a secure grasp of the basics of maths, including the fluent recall of times tables, is crucial for children’s success in moving on to more complex maths. Learning multiplication tables is a key part of maths education in many high-performing education systems such as those in Shanghai and Singapore.

Here at Monksdown we have several ways of teaching Times tables, some of which will include the use of concrete manipulatives.                                      When ready, your child will be given a TT Rockstar log in and your child will be able to practise their times tables at home.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Some other useful websites to use for Times tables practise are :        


Year 4 are at present preparing for their Multiplication Tables check

What is the multiplication tables check?

The multiplication tables check is an online, on-screen assessment given to pupils in year 4. It checks their ability to fluently recall times tables up to 12×12.

All eligible year 4 pupils who are registered at state funded schools including academies and free schools and special schools in England are required to take the check.

It’s made up of 25 times tables questions. Your child will be able to answer 3 practice questions before taking the actual check. They will then have 6 seconds to answer each question. On average, the check should take no longer than 5 minutes to complete.

There is no expected standard or ‘pass mark’ for the multiplication tables check, but higher scores indicate greater proficiency in fluently recalling multiplication tables.  Schools are encouraged to benchmark themselves against the national and local authority averages.

Results will only be published at national and local-authority level; school-level data will not be published.



You can practise here


NSPCC Number Day 

Number Day is a maths fundraising day for the NSPCC. Children thoroughly enjoy joining in with lots of fun Maths activities. Number Day is on Friday 7th February 2025 this year and of course is supported by he NSPCC. We support their charity  by children giving a small donation to  wear their own clothes.

It is  already exciting enough for our wonderful mathematicians at Monksdown to have a day dedicated to Maths , but Number Day is so much more than that, Number Day serves to celebrate the importance of Maths as well as the importance of treating and raising children correctly. 

Our fantastic Monksdown teachers and pupils at our school, certainly EMERSE themselves in all things number,whilst wearing a piece of clothing with a favourite number or a link to numbers  on it !



Top Tips for Families:

    •  Always  be positive about Maths  Don’t say “I can’t do Maths”, “I hated maths at school” or “Maths is boring/too hard”
    • Share your enjoyment of Maths and highlight when you have used it in everyday life. This could be when you are cooking, shopping or travelling etc.
    • Praise your children for the effort that they have put in to maths not just their achievement.


MoneySense is an impartial financial education programme that uses real-life experiences to help young people develop good money habits. Follow the link to see how you can help your children develop good habits towards a better financial future.