Welcome to Year 5 Class 3
Our teacher is Miss Barnacle. Our teaching assistant is Mr Gardner.
Please follow our Twitter feed on the right to find out what we have been learning about this week.
Learning Letter |
Year 5 Learning Showcase: Come and join us on Monday 3rd July to see the wonderful things Year 5 have learnt this year.
Winter 2023
Winter 2021
Spring 2021
No updates due to Covid-19 closure
Autumn 2020
Summer 2020
No updates due to Covid-19 closure
Spring 2020
Click here for the Year 4 Homework Grid Spring 2
Week of 08/03/2020: A really sound science day in 4.1. We experimented, investigated and explored how sound is made, travels and pitchvolume.
Week of 08/03/2020: Problem solving challenge with a coded 100 square.
Week of 01/03/2020: Engaging and learning workshop with author Alicia Wright, rewriting fairytales.
Week of 01/03/2020: 4.1 worked in groups to highlight the features of an explanation text.
Week of 09/02/2020: A wonderful, informative assembly delivered so eloquently by class 4.1 about the Pompeii disaster.
Week of 09/02/2020: A fabulous art lesson painting the Gaudi style clay sculptures.
Week of 09/02/2020: Pro footballer, Ryan Corrigan joined us from Stoke City. Ryan spoke about how to achieve your dream and the setbacks along the way.
Week of 02/02/2020: We performed What About Us using Am, F and C on ukulele, keyboard, percussion and glockenspiel.
Week of 26/01/2020: Barcelona is currently the stimulus for our Geography work this half term and the children are in the process of making clay homes, in the style of Antoni Gaudí.
Week of 26/01/2020: 4.1 have used the text ‘Escape from Pompeii’ as inspiration for further writing. A wonderful array of images were drawn and then coloured using pastels to incorporate Art.
Week of 20/01/2020: 4.1 explored seasonality of fruit and vegetables and why it is so important to buy in-season produce. The children were delighted to take home fresh fruit and vegetables.
Week of 13/01/2020: 4.1 constructed bar charts in maths. A very difficult skill but resilience and resourcefulness in abundance helped them through.
Week of 13/01/2020: As part of our English topic the children have been reading ‘Escape from Pompeii’. On Friday the children had to arrange the story in order using only the illustrations.
Autumn Term 2019
Week of 15/12/2019: 4.1 perform Stay With Me with the chords Am, F and C on ukulele, glockenspiel, keyboard, cymbals. hand percussion and drumkit!
Week of 02/12/2019: 4.1 have been learning over the last few weeks to play the song ”Stay With Me’. We have been learning to fluently play the chords C and F and Am on ukulele, glockenspiel, keyboard and percussion. We are also performing our song to Hope Uni’s PGCE students on Friday!
Week of 25/11/2019: Multiplication Tables on the table.
Week of 25/11/2019: A truly fantastic day sketching and then painting ‘Starry Night’.
Week of 25/11/2019: A fabulous afternoon adding to their Vincent Van Gogh mood boards. Full of colour, quotes and techniques.
Week of 18/11/2019: 4.1 practised the skill of weaving, as we look forward to weaving with cotton. The focus is African style patterns.
Week of 18/11/2019: 4.1 have been exploring food chains and habitats. The children listed animals which can be seen in the local area.
Week of 18/11/2019: 4.1 consolidating multiplication knowledge through the use of multiplication pyramids.
Week of 12/11/2019: 4.1 explored a selection of Bonfire Night themed poetry and we discussed the various poetic features. The children then wrote their own.
Week of 04/11/2019: Autumn Collage additional homework.
Week of 22/10/2019: 4.1 performed Human in our Arts assembly on Friday. We learned to play the piece in just two lessons!
Week of 22/10/2019: The children have been bar modelling to help solve one and two-step word problems.
Week of 22/10/2019: Warning tales in English- Extreme Weather how to prepare for an extreme weather event.
Week of 15/10/2019: Science Day – Digestion System
Week of 10/10/2019: 4.1 perform ‘Best Day of My Life’ on C and F chords, over multiple instruments. We have been learning to play the chords in succession ahead of adding more chords in future performances.
Week of 09/10/2019: Liverpool Museum Trip
Week of 23/09/2019: We have been learning to play ‘Best Day of My Life’ on ukulele and keyboard since September by using the C and F chords.
Summer Term 2019
Week of 24/06/2019: 3C Weeding, gardening,picking strawberries from the edible garden.
Week of 11/06/2019: Maths Buzz problem solving
Week of 11/06/2019: Ancient Greece Day
Week of 11/06/2019: Quentin Blake Author study
Week of 21/05/2019: Ancient Greek sunset-creations
Week of 13/05/2019: Gymnastics!
Week of 13/05/2019:
Week of 06/05/2019: Martin Mere Trip
Spring Term 2019
Week of 01/04/2019: Pop Project
Week of 01/04/2019: Easter Cards
Week of 18/03/2019: Cooking Chinese Stir Fry
Week of 18/03/2019: We are learning to perform ‘Jambalaya’, and today took a break from ukulele to learn the glockenspiel/keyboard part and recap our singing.
Week of 11/02/2019: 3C making family meals (chicken curry)
Week of 11/02/2019: 3C making Stone Age axes
Week of 28/01/2019: Cookery
Week of 21/01/2019: Gymnastics
Week of 21/01/2019: Stone Age Experience Day
Week of 21/01/2019: Visit to the extension construction site.
Week of 21/01/2019: Art
Week of 14/1/18: Stone Age Cookery
Week of 14/1/18: Reading Plus
Week of 7/1/18: Gymnastics. Body Management
Autumn Term 2018
On our readathon day we did lots of interesting activities based around the book Giraffes Can’t Dance. We wore our pyjamas and brought in our favourite book
Enjoying our P.E. lessons.