Welcome to Year 6 Class 2
Our teacher is Mrs Ferrigan. Our teaching assistant is Mrs Corrigan.
Please follow our Twitter feed on the right to find out what we have been learning about this week.
Year 6 Spring 1 Learning Letter |
SATS Revision Help – Click on the links for past papers, revision guides and games to help stay in touch with key skills leading up to the SATS
IXL have separate pages of skills linked to individual Year group. The Y6 page has links to practise both English and Maths skills. Pages are then split into skills of which has a practise question for the children to think about.
BBC Education have produced a whole host of materials for KS2. Follow the KS2 link and then select either Maths or English. Each area usually has an information section for reading, plus an activity and then quiz which is marked online. Some aspects require a subscription.
A site with both Maths and English based quizzes which are marked as you go along.
A site with a range of information and questions – great for revision purposes!
A revision site based upon the old Key Stage 2 Tests but still contains lots of useful information for both Maths and English.
A site with links to old style Key Stage 2 Maths Papers, Maths Tutorials as well as Maths Games. Some of these games are linked to Memory and would therefore help pupils to retain key information.
These are “old style” Key Stage 2 test papers but are still useful for practise, and in particular, creating discussion around questions and strategies to answer. View on screen or print off for free. Best used
This site has loads of Maths games which help to practise a range of skills.
Loads of Maths games on a range of Mathematical concepts.
A range of activities and games to practise a range of spelling rules and patterns.
Arithmetic – This website has lot’s of practice papers for the arithmetic SATs Test (with answers). Great for practice at home
Times Tables Rockstars – We have invested in pupil licenses for Times Tables Rockstars. Children can enter the Garage or Arena sections of either the website or the app and practise their times tables revision at home. Each has been set according to your child’s specific needs.
Corbett Maths – revision practise – https://corbettmaths.com/
BBC Bitesize
- Bitesize – Mathematics – Handling Data You can do a lot with the information you find. Learn about understanding and presenting data in this section. Includes frequency diagrams, mean, mode and median and probabiltiy.
- Bitesize – Mathematics – Shape, space and measure.Find out about angles, lines and graphs. Important shapes and useful everyday measurements are also covered.
- Bitesize – Mathematics – Number workActivities to support work on decimals, fractions, percentages, operations and much more!
BBC Bitesize
- Bitesize – Spelling and grammar Poor spelling and grammar can be really confusing! A good understanding of spelling and grammar will make you a better writer, reader and all round communicator. Help with nouns, adjective, punctuation and lots more !
- http://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/ks2/english/spelling_grammar/
- Bitesize – Writing Writing is an important part of communicating with others. You need to write in a way your reader can easily understand what you are trying to tell them. Use this site to write in different genres.
- http://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/ks2/english/writing/
- Bitesize – Reading Reading fiction and non fiction texts including adverts, dictionaries and poetry. Learn how to look at language, layout and meaning.
Winter 2023
Winter 2022
Winter 2021
Spring 2021
No updates due to Covid-19 closure
Autumn 2020
Week of 08/11/2020:
Week of 08/11/2020: Year 6 were talking all about Money today- using the fabulous resources sent by Cobalt housing.
Week of 08/11/2020: Year 6 enjoying all aspects of preparing, making and eating food.
Week of 12/10/2020: 6.2 have been painting their camouflaged animals using watercolour paints.
Week of 05/10/2020: 6.2 have been looking at camouflaged animals in art and had a lesson on how to draw fur.
Week of 28/09/2020: We have been making Apple Crumbles using home grown cooking apples.
Week of 14/09/2020: We have been learning to strum the C and G chords on guitar.
Summer 2020
No updates due to Covid-19 closure
Spring 2020
Click here for the Year 5 Homework Grid Spring 2
Week of 08/03/2020: 5.2 have been working on guitars to produce a performance of ‘You Can’t Always Get What You Want’. They have been learning to play the C and G chords.
Week of 01/03/2020: 5.2 worked hard to create mood boards after studying Anglo-Saxon artefacts.
Week of 02/02/2020: 5.2 have been science reporters this week, explaining the phases of the moon.
Week of 02/02/2020: 5.2 have continued to work hard to understand fractions
Week of 02/02/2020: 5.2 enjoyed sharing their knowledge of the solar system with parents and children this week.
Week of 26/01/2020: 5.2 have been exploring the view from the moon, using a virtual reality app.
Week of 13/01/2020: We started learning guitar this week! We are putting together a performance of Seven nation Army using the E minor chord.
Week of 13/01/2020: Bike right working with year 5 children.
Autumn Term 2019
Week of 08/12/2019: 5.2 saved the day, travelling back in time to 1891 and helping the staff at Croxteth Hall get ready for a Christmas Party.
Week of 25/11/2019: Today we learned how to make tints and shades of colour.
Week of 25/11/2019: Art week has begun! Measuring, teamwork and sculpting Christmas stars.
Week of 18/11/2019: 5.2 used a green screen app to show off their finished Islamic tiles.
Week of 18/11/2019: Running, jumping, balancing, teamwork and fun! We had a great time with the team from LFC foundation.
Week of 12/11/2019: 5.2 trained with a photographer, then took some beautiful photographs of Croxteth Hall and park.
Week of 22/10/2019: 5.2 using a variety of tools and techniques in clay to create Islamic patterned tiles.
Week of 22/10/2019: 5.2 have been learning about non-chronological reports. We wrote factual descriptions of dragons and presented them using a green screen app,
Week of 15/10/2019: 5.2 did an exceptional job of learning to play Paradise by George Ezra in just two lessons! Incredible work 5.1!
Week of 15/10/2019: Year 5 writing about their house.
Week of 11/10/2019: 5.2 performed Dancing in the Street after practising on all the different instruments. We are moving on to guitar soon, but first we are going to have some fun playing different songs on ukulelle and keyboard using a variety of chords.
Week of 30/09/2019: Investigating goods traded via the Silk Road in the Early Islamic Empire
Summer Term 2019
Week of 15/07/2019: Children used water colours to paint their own desert background. They then added their own details such as palm trees and camels.
Week of 15/07/2019: 4A have been making their own marble runs in D.T using a variety of materials to create different structures
Week of 17/06/2019: Where’s the maths Children found different aspects of maths in a picture, from shapes to angles.
Week of 17/06/2019: D.T- Children have been trying and testing their own structures using card to create a marble run
Week of 13/05/2019: Science – We have been investigating how sound is made.
Week of 13/05/2019: Following on from Mrs Campbell’s assembly, we talked about mental health and what it feels like to be lonely and how we can help lonely people. We finished by writing things we like about the other people in our class.
Week of 05/05/2019: Well done to Eloise for creating her own dance routine as part of this half term’s homework grid!
Week of 29/04/2019: In Maths, 4A enjoyed estimating the perimeter of different shapes on our school playground. They then measured the actual lengths using trundle wheels and recorded their findings as a group.
Week of 29/04/2019: As part of our new English unit, we read the story ‘Pretty Vain’. Children then came up with their own actions to help them learn the story!
Spring Term 2019
Week of 01/04/2019: Well done Liam
Week of 01/04/2019: 4A Easter bingo
Week of 01/04/2019: Well done to Daisy and Dawid for completing amazing pieces of special homework from this half term’s homework grid.
Week of 18/03/2019: D.T – weaving
Week of 18/03/2019: We are learning to perform ‘What About Us’, and today took a break from ukulele to learn the glockenspiel/keyboard part and recap our singing.
Week of 25/02/2019: 4A In Maths, children have been finding fractions of different amounts of smarties. Yummy
Week of 11/02/2019: Science – creating and exploring circuits using different electrical components.
Week of 04/02/2019: Art – Children created their own printing blocks based on igbo designs, using polystyrene tiles. They then created their own patterns.
Week of 04/02/2019: Well done to Liam and AJ for completing amazing pieces of homework from our homework grid! They’ve both worked very hard to make igbo houses.
Week of 04/02/2019: Roman Day
Week of 04/02/2019: Internet Safety Day – 4A discussed what is meant by ‘permission’ and wrote their own definitions. Working in small groups, children then performed different scenarios involving the issue of consent online and we discussed how situations could be interpreted or acted upon differently.
Week of 28/1/19: In D.T, the children designed their own item e.g. a bag that they will make by weaving using wool and fabric. Children have first been practising the skill of weaving using paper.
Week of 14/1/19: Gymnastics
Autumn Term
Year 4 discovered many things about the history of the slave trade in Liverpool when they visited the International Slavery Museum.
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On our readathon day we did lots of interesting activities based around the book Giraffes Can’t Dance. We wore our pyjamas and brought in our favourite book.
What happens to our food after we eat it? Year 4 have been finding out during their very messy science day.
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Working as a team in maths deciding whether to round numbers up or down.
We took part in a music workshop delivered by the Osun Arts Foundation.
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