Monksdown Primary School

Monksdown Primary School

Class 1.1 (Mrs Cullen)


Welcome to Year 1 Class 1

Our teacher is Mrs Cullen. Our teaching assistant is Miss Walsh.

Please follow our Twitter feed on the right to find out what we have been learning about this week.



Learning Letter
Year 1 Learning Letter spring 2 

Winter 2023

Spring 2021

No updates due to Covid-19 closure

Autumn 2020

Week of 28/09/2020: 1.1 have been investigating the best way to look after their pets. We have also loved maths this week.

Summer 2020

No updates due to Covid-19 closure

Spring 2020

Week of 23/02/2020: R1 enjoyed a visit to Croxteth Park to look for signs of winter. We found dens and enjoyed trying them out.

Week of 23/02/2020: We experimented with mixing colours using chalks and powder paint in the water gutters.

Week of 23/02/2020: We talked about healthy and unhealthy choices of food. We designed a healthy and unhealthy pancake. Then we made the pancake of our choice and enjoyed eating it.

Week of 23/02/2020: R1 enjoyed performing the song ‘Goldilocks and the three bears’ to key stage 1.

Week of 20/01/2020: We have been learning all about Chinese New Year. Today we cooked Chinese Stir fry and ate it with chop sticks.

Week of 20/01/2020: We have been learning the story of Little Red Riding Hood. We have retold the story from a story map, acted out the story with our friends and used the puppets to retell the story.

Autumn 2019

Week of 08/12/2019: R1 enjoyed learning all about different string instruments with ‘Key Strings’. We had lots of fun clapping along.

Week of 08/12/2019: R1 have enjoyed using our number skills outside in the winter sunshine.

Week of 02/12/2019: R1 was so excited today when Santa, his elves and his real reindeer came to school to visit us. We learnt lots of interesting facts about the reindeers.

Week of 02/12/2019: This week we enjoyed learning about the artist Michelle Reader. We were inspired to make our own sculptures from recycled plastic.

Week of 02/12/2019: This half term we have been enjoying gymnastics using the apparatus.

Week of 02/12/2019: Musical movers visited our class. We had great fun singing and keeping time with the music with our hands and instruments.

Week of 18/11/2019: R1 Enjoyed a wonderful day at Imagine That!

Week of 04/11/2019: Today we went on our Autumn walk to Croxteth Park. We looked at all the different colours on the trees, matched leaves to different colours, did some tree rubbings, Met some fairies and had great fun!

Week of 15/10/2019: This week we have continued with our story of ‘The Magic Porridge Pot’. On Monday the old woman came in to visit us in class. We have been busy writing lots of letters and making lots of pictures to send to her. We hope she will write back soon!
On Wednesday we looked at honey in a honey comb, we tasted the honey too. Then we made porridge and enjoyed it with the honey or syrup. Mmm it was delicious.

Week of 15/10/2019: The dinosaurs have arrived in R1. Today we came into school and found a strange egg on the step. When we opened it we found a dinosaur inside.

Week of 23/09/2019: We have had a lovely first couple of weeks settling in our new school and making new friends.

Week of 23/09/2019: This week we have been learning about our senses in English and learning to create patterns in our Mathematics.