Welcome to Year 1 Class 3 (Mrs Campbell)
Our teacher is Mrs Campbell. Our teaching assistant is Mrs Bernia.
Spring 2021
No updates due to Covid-19 closure
Autumn 2020
Week of 28/09/2020: In Geography we have been been learning about hot and cold areas of the world and animals who live there. We also used iPads to draw cold and hot climates and write about them.
Week of 28/09/2020: We have been reading Lost and Found by Oliver Jeffers and enjoyed completing a variety of activities based on the story. We have acted out the story, painted penguins, built the boys house, story mapped it and read other stories by the same author.
Week of 14/09/2020: We created boats based on the red boat in The Journey, using junk model materials.
Week of 14/09/2020: We explored the capacity of containers using a variety of objects and foods.
Week of 14/09/2020: We explored the school grounds to look for signs of summer.
Summer 2020
No updates due to Covid-19 closure
Spring 2020
Week of 24/02/2020: We designed and labelled two pancakes – a healthy pancake and an unhealthy pancake. We chose toppings for each pancake and discussed why some foods are healthy and some foods should only be eaten as a treat.
Week of 20/01/2020: Kung Hei Fat Choi! We have been learning about and celebrating Chinese New Year this week! We have cooked and enjoyed stir fry.
Week of 13/01/2020: Today we have been acting out our story of Little Red Riding Hood. We took it in turns to be the character and everybody else narrated the story.
Autumn 2019
Week of 16/12/2019: Winter is here! When we went outside today we found frost all over the grass and the slide – some strange paw prints had been walking through it.
Week of 08/12/2019: Thank you to everyone who came to watch our Christmas performance and joined in with all of our activities. The children were so proud.
Week of 02/12/2019: R3 We had a special visitor to school! Santa came to visit with two elves – Patch and Star. They brought two of their reindeer – Freddy and Lola.
Week of 25/11/2019: We went to Underwater Street’s Imagine That and had a great time developing our creative and scientific skills.
Week of 12/11/2019: Today we went on our Autumn walk to Croxteth Park. We played with all of the Autumn leaves, climbed trees and made funny dough faces on them. We had a lovely day.
Week of 04/11/2019: Thank you to everybody who attended our stay and play today! The children had a great time showing you around our class and getting you involved in some Halloween activities.
Week of 22/10/2019: Learning ladybirds having fun in the puddles in our wet suits and wellies.
Week of 22/10/2019: We dug up and brushed off the fossils we found in our sand very carefully. We used the chart to identify the dinosaurs that could have made the fossils. Then we wrote our findings in our special books.
Week of 15/10/2019: We found this strange egg in our classroom this morning. What could it be? We cracked it open and there was a baby dinosaur inside!
Week of 09/10/2019: The old woman from our story “The magic porridge pot,” came to visit our class and we asked her some questions
Week of 23/09/2019: This week we have been learning all about our senses
Week of 16/09/2019: R3 Ladybirds enjoying our first day