Nursery Remote Learning:
Please see Tapestry for our stories, nursery rhymes and challenges that we will be setting through our YouTube channel. The links will work from 8.30am and 6pm.
As always, please keep in touch to let us know how you are getting on with the activities – your photographs of your children are really making us smile!
Here’s the email –
We are also on Twitter if you want to connect with us there: @NurseryMonksdo1
Nuesery’s weekly timetable
This might help you to plan your morning/afternoon like the session your child would normally have in Nursery.
Rainy Day ideas: Choose an activity from the link below and let us know how it went!
Teach your monster to read is a free download if you have a computer.
(See link further down page, week beginning 18/01/2021)
Wellbeing EYFS-KS1 1.3.21 PDF[10995]
Please log into your Tapestry account to get the meeting details. They are on a memo and I have resent them this morning.
Here are your session times:
AM children – 12.30pm
PM children – 12.50pm
Our last week online before we are all finally back together since January!!
Please see Tapestry for all the activities this week and send us your photos by email or upload them to your Tapestry account.
WORLD BOOK DAY – Thursday 4th March
As promised, we will be having a zoom call where you can see all of your friends and the staff before we meet up again in person! See Tapestry for the log in details and join us on Thursday:
AM children 12.30pm
PM children 12.50pm
Wear your pyjamas, bring a teddy and your favourite book. See you all soon!
Please find some fabulous activity ideas in the link below for celebrating World Book Day!
We hope you have had a restful half term and are continuing to keep safe and well. We are really looking forward to what this next half term will bring us…in particular all the Easter treats that will eaten in a few weeks time!
As always, the links for this weeks activities are on Tapestry – we have an activity every day, which can be watched from 8.30am, and a story, which can be watched every night from 6pm.
Thank you for your continued support and lovely, positive messages regarding your children and how enthusiastic they are with the home learning. We didn’t become teachers and teaching assistants to be teaching in this way, so we are really grateful for all your encouragement!
Wellbeing activities
Have a go at the wellbeing activities on the document below – there is one for each day. How did you get on? Which one was your favourite? Let us know!
Wellbeing EYFS-KS1 22.2.21 PDF[10442]
Weekly Planning.
(See the video links on Tapestry then complete the challenges below)
Monday – Make a card challenge. Watch Mrs Lloyd’s very good idea to cheer a friend up!
Tuesday – “Five Little Men” Challenge. Sing the rhyme with Sophie and have a go at making your very own flying saucer!
Wednesday – Playdough emotions – make your very own playdough and use it to show different emotions on a paper face.
Thursday – Who is in my family? Watch the video and have a go at the activity.
Friday – 1,2,3,4,5,once I caught a fish alive. Sing the song and have a go at making your very own fish!
We will be visiting your houses this week with our home learning packs, filled with LOTS of exciting activities and a couple of treats too!
There are 3 sheets included in your packs – Number hunt, Colour hunt and Colour Challenge.
Please keep those extra safe, because Amy has made some videos to explain what you need to do with them. Keep your eyes peeled every day for the challenges that will be shared on Tapestry.
We really hope that you will enjoy doing the activities in the packs. As always, please upload photos to Tapestry or via email. We love to see what you’ve been up to!
Here are a couple of songs that we sing at Nursery. The children love dancing. Have a go at getting the wiggles out by joining in with them!
Safer Internet Day – Tuesday 9th February.
Children are never too young to be taught how to be safe online but we need to do that without making them fearful. There are so many opportunities for them to use the internet on various devices, so this resource has been produced to help you as their parents and carers to navigate the information you find online as safely as possible. Watch it with your children and talk about the different ways you use the internet in your house, but also how you can use it safely.
If you have any concerns/questions about using the internet safely or which sites are age appropriate for your child, please contact me at school or pop me an email (email address is near top of page under ‘general information’ section.)
Wellbeing activities.
It is as important as ever to take care of ourselves. Have a go at as many of these activities as you can! Let us know which ones you have done and which you loved!
Wellbeing EYFS-KS1 8.2.21 PDF1[9791]
Do you remember last year when we popped rainbows in our windows to bring a smile to people’s faces? Well, here’s another way to spread cheer and to encourage others. I think that’s very important, especially at the moment.
It’s not too late to take part. Can you decorate a heart, write or draw all the things that make you feel good inside it and display it in your window? Take a photo of it, upload it to Twitter, Tapestry or email it to me and let’s spread positivity! I’ll have a go too & see if I can spread the love in my home town.
Remember to send us a photo of your heart ♥
Name recognition activities
Lots of you are having a go at finding the letters in your name. Here are some great activities to make it lots of fun!
It’s February! We are really getting into our stride with the home learning resources. Thank you so much for your emails and uploads to Tapestry to show us what your children have been up to. We love to see their faces and to hear their adventures. Please know that your support is invaluable and is very, very much appreciated.
Name Recognition Games.
Below is a link to a page where there are lots of ideas for name recognition activities.
Make learning their name fun by choosing a few activities to explore.
Does your child confidently know the letters of their first name already? Why not try middle or surnames? If they have brothers or sisters, you could also practice making their names too.
Here is a Stick Man activity to explore feelings. We are doing a lot of work this week about feelings – have a go at this one.
Emotions and Expressions Posters
Below is the planning for this week. Please use this alongside Tapestry to complete this week’s activities!
planning for website 01 02 2021
Wellbeing Week
Please have a go at some of these activities and let me know how you get on!
Wellbeing Whole School 1.2.21 PDF[9274]
Do you remember last year when we popped rainbows in our windows to bring a smile to people’s faces? Well, here’s another way to spread cheer and to encourage others. I think that’s very important, especially at the moment.
Can you decorate a heart, write or draw all the things that make you feel good inside it and display it in your window? Take a photo of it, upload it to Twitter, Tapestry or email it to me and let’s spread positivity! I’ll have a go too & see if I can spread the love in my home town.
Wow! The last week of January! How did that happen?!
Please see Tapestry for our links, stories and challenges.
PLANNING: Below are some ideas for activities you could do this week based on our brand new story!
planning for website 25 01 2021
Below is the start of our new story that we will be sharing over the next couple of weeks…keep watching to see what your challenge is…
Here are some activity ideas for using sticks (This document was also included in your home learning pack)
Let’s Stick Together – activities
Wellbeing EYFS-KS1 25.1.21 PDF[8292]
Week Beginning 18/01/2021
Please log into Tapestry to see any updates and activities.
Rhythms Nursery timetable – here is the timetable we follow each session at nursery. You can use this to help you to carry out any tasks we add to this page or to Tapestry. Please keep an eye out for new uploads.
Please also see the home learning packs that have been posted/dropped off at your house for more practical ideas for home learning activities.
Teach your monster to read is a FREE download if you have a computer (see link below)
Here is this week’s Dough Disco link:
Below is our planning sheet for this week – please also see Tapestry.
planning for website 18 01 2021
Below is our Little Robin Red Vest story:
UPDATE 14/01/21
As the weather becomes wetter, here are some ideas for getting outside and getting some fresh air! Even if its only a few minutes a day, it will work wonders for your health.
UPDATE: 13/01/21
It’s not often you get something useful for free…
You can download it on different devices BUT if you make an account using a computer, the resources are FREE!
Week Beginning 11/01/21
Hello Nursery!
Firstly, have a look at the Nursery Rhythms timetable. This is the session we would normally be having, so you can use this to help you break up the time at home.
Watch the story using the link. (We read the same story for 2-3 weeks and eventually, the children can remember what comes next!)
Have a look at the weekly plan. Choose an activity to do.
Do the Dough Disco! Have fun with some play dough working those important muscles for writing!
Email any questions or photos of anything you do at home – I’d love to see your little faces!
Week Beginning 04/01/21
Rhythms Nursery timetable Week beginning 4/1/21
Playdough recipe Week beginning 4/1/21