Monksdown Primary School

Monksdown Primary School

Home Learning


Remote Learning

Remote Learning Policy

Here at Monksdown Primary we are committed to making sure our online, blended learning (also known as remote learning) is of the same quality as our in class learning. As per government guidelines, school has been considering its approach to ‘blended learning’; this is where learning takes place both at home and in school. The guidance says that if a child cannot attend school because they are isolating or asymptomatic, school still has a responsibility to provide them with an education.

How to access the Remote Home Learning

On each Year group’s remote  learning page, there is a link to follow for the weekly work for your child while they are learning at home. Each Year Group has an email address to send the work in to their teacher.


Additionally there are two online platforms that we use within our school. 


In EYFS we use tapestry to create learning logs for each of our children so parents can see what their child has been up to during their school day. We also use this to send homework to our children or work to children who may be off from school for what ever reason.
Here are the links to download the app to your device 
Play store –
App store –
Kindle –


You can also access the Weekly Plans in KS2 on Google Classroom.

If a class or bubble were to be sent home to isolate they will be given a google classroom log in. This is so during the 2 week isolation period they can have a face to face meeting with their teacher and classmates each morning to catch up and possibly go through any work they may have not understood that was set for them on seesaw.

Google Classroom Guide for parents sharing online


Additional Home Learning Websites

Subject Resource Suitable for…
Most subjects Oak National Academy – Free online home learning lessons and timetable N R 1 2 3 4 5 6
Most subjects BBC Bitesize DailyFree online home learning lessons and timetable N R 1 2 3 4 5 6
PE/Walk to School

Living Streets
Keep fit and active by continuing to participate in Living Streets’ WOW initiative . You could even walk every day now ! 

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Handwriting Debbie Hellpwhite Handwriting
Our school’s handwriting scheme
N R 1 2 3 4 5 6
Speech & Language ChatterpackList of free Speech, Language, communication and SEND resources for schools and parent/carers N R 1 2 3 4 5 6

English as 2nd Language

Letter to EAL parents

KS 1 children – start at the elementary level – then try a beginner level.
KS 2 – log on the intermediate level.EAL children – Please log on to English Language EAL Easter Project
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English as 2nd Language

British Council Learn English
Games, flash cards, songs etc.

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English as 2nd Language

Google Translate N R 1 2 3 4 5 6
English and Maths Lessons Maths Mastery Free 10 weeks of English and Maths pupil packs N R 1 2 3 4 5 6
Maths RM Maths – Password ‘monks’


N R 1 2 3 4 5 6
Maths Times Table Rockstars


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Phonics – Start at phase 2. Work up phases. Completing each phase before moving on.  




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Actiphons – Daily Phonics videos you can do with your child at 10am

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Phonics – Start at phase 2. Work up phases. Completing each phase before moving on.  




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Reading Padlet
Reading for Pleasure
N R 1 2 3 4 5 6

Book Trust
A website to help support parents/carers with strategies for reading with their child 4-6 year olds

N R 1 2 3 4 5 6
Reading Read Liverpool – Free ebooks, audiobooks and magazines to download N R 1 2 3 4 5 6
Reading Reading Plus N R 1 2 3 4 5 6
Reading & Writing Talk4Writing Home School Booklets N R 1 2 3 4 5 6
Reading &


Selected Children Only
Reading Oxford Owls Ebooks – Free ebooks and different levels.


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The World of David Walliams
Daily 11am audio story to keep kids entertained


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Storytelling Audible – Free as long as schools are closed. Instantly stream an incredible collection of stories, including titles across six different languages.


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Reading &
Wakelet creative book-based activities that families can use at home. It includes online storytimes, creative writing opportunities and ‘draw-a-longs’ from illustrators.


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Reading &
BBC Bitesize


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Maths, Science, PE



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Reading Kitaboo Workbooks – Online reading books


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Spelling Anchor Education – Spelling songs


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Online Safety NSPCC Online Safety Booklet
Bitesize Training Opportunities
ICT Think U Know – Online Safety lessons N R 1 2 3 4 5 6
ICT Purple Mash


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ICT Mr Peet Computing Lesson – KS1
Mr Peet Computing Lesson – KS2
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Livestreams for parents – throughout the Summer!
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Writing Pobble 365 – A new picture each day to inspire children to write.


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Writing Jane Considine is doing a daily literacy lesson at 9.45am.


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Resource 1
Resource 2
N R 1 2 3 4 5 6
Resource 1
Resource 2
N R 1 2 3 4 5 6
Health &
Thumbs Up Education Programme – Emotional and Mental Health Wellbeing live streams 1pm Monday, Wednesday, Friday. N R 1 2 3 4 5 6
Health &
Primary Schools’ Wellbeing Booklet

Ideas for coping with issues at home, children who have special educational needs, and looking after yourselves as carers
To break boredom:
To support anxiety: 


Thrive activities for parents of children up to age 11 – week two
Thrive age 7 week 3
 Thrive up to age 7 week 4
Thrive up to age 11 week 4

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PE Joe Wicks Daily Workout – Follow Joe Wicks (The Body Coach) on Youtube, he will be putting out a PE lesson daily at 9am #PEwithJoe


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Twinkl – Twinkl is free for the next month. The offer code is UKTWINKLHELPS. See the link below for some great activities.

EYFS School Closure interactive learning links 
Year 1 School Closure interactive learning links 
Year 2 School Closure interactive learning links 
Year 3 School Closure interactive learning links
Year 4 School Closure interactive learning links 
Year 5 School Closure interactive learning links
Year 6 School Closure interactive learning links 


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BBC Bitesize


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English &
Hamilton Home Learning Packs


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Maths – Basic Maths Skills


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Maths The Maths Factor


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Maths White Rose Maths
Maths Home Learning 
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Music Ollie Tunmer Body Beats
Live at 11am 
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Music Mr Langdon’s Home Drumming


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Music  Classics for Kids – Fun Classical Music Educaiton learning at home


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Dance Dance with Oti Mabuse – 
Live at 11:30am with videos remaining online
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Science (and more) Ted-Ed Short video clips made by teachers to help children learn about science and general knowledge. N R 1 2 3 4 5 6
Science Chester Zoo Home Learning – Learning resources about animals and eco-systems N R 1 2 3 4 5 6
Science DKFIndout Encyclopedia


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Science & Garden Outdoor Garden Learning N R 1 2 3 4 5 6