Monksdown Primary School

Monksdown Primary School

Extra News!


Important Letter to Parents

Letter to parents 4th June

Thursday 4 th June , 2020

Dear Parents/ Carers,

Firstly, I hope this letter find all our pupils and families safe and well. Half term was not what we usually experience this year but at least we were blessed with fabulous weather.


You will have been hearing and reading lots of information in the media regarding the possible re-opening of schools across England. I just wanted to clarify Monksdown’s position and reassure you that the safety of our pupils, families and staff will always be my first priority.

Currently, our school is open for children whose parents are key workers or classed as vulnerable. For all other pupils, teachers will continue to provide Home Learning Activities on Seesaw, Purple Mash plus additional work on the school website.


The Local Authority have been clear that no other pupils should return to school before Monday 15 th June, 2020 at the very earliest. Liverpool Schools are expecting a central review conducted by Liverpool City Council on Monday 8 th June, 2020 evaluating whether or not any children in the identified year groups should return to school.


I have been continually working closely with Governors, Staff, Unions and Liverpool Authority to ensure thorough risk assessments are in place and only when I am completely satisfied that all measures are secure and safe will I consider implementing Phase One of the plan which would be to invite Year six pupils back to school.

I will communicate any further plans and updates as and when I receive them.


Take care and stay safe.


Mrs Price
