Monksdown primary school follow the Liverpool’s Whole School Approach – Liverpool CAMHS
Our core values of : Respectful, Resourceful, Resilient and Responsible help us to grow as a family of learners and shapes our values for the wider world and future aspirations.
Evidence suggests there are 5 steps you can take to improve your mental health and wellbeing. Trying these things could help you feel more positive and able to get the most out of life.
5 steps to mental wellbeing – NHS (
5 ways to wellbeing poster (2).pdf
wellbeing booklet (
Monksdown primary have their very own ‘Wellbeing Warriors’ who are members of our School Council. They have a significant say in all aspects of Monksdown life and help all members of our school community focus on things that matter to them and bring about change to make that happen.
Here are some activities chosen by the Wellbeing Warriors for you to use at home
Keep active during the Half term
Mental Health Awareness Week was a great success and children flourished during lots of great activities, Monksdown children also saw the launch of Wellbeing Wednesday- a short time planned into the day to do just something we love- together.
Lots of great activities to help us with our Mental Health in the week 6-10th February 2023.
Monksdown Primary School take a whole school approach to Mental Health and Wellbeing and are dedicated to ensuring that Monksdown children leave school with the best possible outcomes, having good emotional, physical and mental health to secure a bright future.
‘Mental health is defined as a state of wellbeing in which every individual recognises his or her own potential, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to his or her own community.’ World Health Organisation, August 2014
Further to our successful whole class Mental Health and Well-being workshops, in collaboration with Alder Hey Mental Health Support Team, we are delighted to be able to offer some children the opportunity to take part in smaller group workshops with the Alder Hey team.
Please let us know if you do not wish your child to take part in these activities by completing this form MHST Team letter activities small group and returning to school as soon as possible.
Try some of our activities.
You are never too young to talk about Mental Health
We want our Year 6 children to have a great Transition to High school:
Transition Livestream Events
Year 6 transition livestream events are taking place on the following dates. These free hour-long interactive virtual sessions will be hosted in 2 primary schools and 2 secondary schools this year. The sessions will be streamed through YouTube and via Zoom to allow access for all. lease sign up using the links below:
Year 6 transition livestream option A, Tuesday 14th June, 10:00-11:00
Year 6 transition livestream option B, Thursday 16th June, 13:00-14:00
Need help?
Young Minds are the UK’s leading charity fighting for children and young people’s mental health.
We want to see a world where no young person feels alone with their mental health, and all young people get the mental health support they need, when they need it, no matter what.
Parents Helpline | Mental Health Help for Your Child | YoungMinds
Call our Parents Helpline for detailed advice, emotional support and signposting about a child or young person up to the age of 25.
You can call us for free on 0808 802 5544 from 9:30am – 4pm, Monday – Friday.
Monksdown primary school follow the Liverpool’s Whole School Approach – Liverpool CAMHS
Our core values of : Respectful, Resourceful, Resilient and Responsible help us to grow as a family of learners and shapes our values for the wider world and future aspirations.
Evidence suggests there are 5 steps you can take to improve your mental health and wellbeing. Trying these things could help you feel more positive and able to get the most out of life.
5 steps to mental wellbeing – NHS (
5 ways to wellbeing poster (2).pdf
wellbeing booklet (
Monksdown primary have their very own ‘Wellbeing Warriors’ who are members of our School Council. They have a significant say in all aspects of Monksdown life and help all members of our school community focus on things that matter to them and bring about change to make that happen.
Here are some activities chosen by the Wellbeing Warriors for you to use at home
Top tips to support children and young people
Be there to listen
Regularly ask how they’re doing so they get used to talking about their feelings and know there’s always someone to listen if they want it. Find out how to create a space where they will open up.
Support them through difficulties
Pay attention to their emotions and behaviour, and try to help them work through difficulties. It’s not always easy when faced with challenging behaviour, but try to help them understand what they’re feeling and why.
Stay involved in their life
Show interest in their life and the things important to them. It not only helps them value who they are but also makes it easier for you to spot problems and support them.
Encourage their interests
Being active or creative, learning new things and being a part of a team help connect us with others and are important ways we can all help our mental health. Support and encourage them to explore their interests, whatever they are.
Take what they say seriously
Listening to and valuing what they say, without judging their feelings, in turn makes them feel valued. Consider how to help them process and work through their emotions in a more constructive way.
Build positive routines
We know it still may not be easy, but try to reintroduce structure around regular routines, healthy eating and exercise. A good night’s sleep is also really important – try to get them back into routines that fit with school or college.