School closing on Friday

Due to the announcement by Her Majesty’s Government on 18th March 2020, school will be closed to the general school community from Monday 23rd March 2020 onwards.
School has provided home learning packs for children. If your child has been off school this week and it is safe to do so, please try and make arrangements to pick up your child’s pack before closure.
Over the next two days discussions and announcements will be made by the government regarding school opening for children of key workers (which have not been defined yet) or children who have been identified as particularly vulnerable. We will publish information on this as soon as it is available.
The government is presently making arrangements to ensure those eligible for Free School Meals do not miss out on their eligibility. These arrangements have not yet been announced. We will also publish information on this as soon as it is available.
A re-opening date has not presently been announced. Please ensure you are signed up to our app so that you can continue to receive the latest updates from us.