Monksdown Primary School

Monksdown Primary School

Mighty Zulu Nation


Mighty Zulu Nation

Year 2 were extremely lucky to have The Mighty Zulu Nation come in to perform for them, teach them about Zulu culture and give them the opportunity to try Zulu singing and dancing themselves. An amazing day was had by all!

Ukulele & Keyboard Club

Congratulations to ukulele and keyboard club members who made great progress this term. We are looking forward to joining Resonate Music Hub next term and take part in their concert!

Debate Academy

Three y5 children took part in debating training with the Debate Academy at Wellesbourne School. They met with children from the other local primary schools to learn how to debate various issues.

Year 4 Dodgeball

Our year 4 dodgeball team travelled to Holly Lodge College on Tuesday to compete in a brand new and unique dodgeball tournament. With no official referee overseeing the matches, it was up to the teams  score their opponents based on Respect, Determination, honesty, self belief and team work. The winning team overall would have demonstrated all of these qualities. Our Monksdown team came by close to the winning score and should be very proud of how they played and conducted themselves in this unusual setting. Well done girl and boys!

Anchor Education Visit

Today Ed from Anchor Education visited our school to sing some great songs about grammar! What a fabulous way to spend our Friday. We learned about homophones, adverbial, were or was and much much more.

School Council meet FFT

The school council met with our cook, Leslie and Simon from Food For Thought to discuss our school dinner menu. They talked about the results of the survey they did showing the most popular meals and the most unpopular ones.


What a great week it has been for our children. In our celebration assembly we gave our first prize winning Dojo booklet out of the year, our Volleyball team became city finalists, and we had some beautiful solo and choir singing to some of our favourite hymns. Bring on Easter!