Monksdown Primary School

Monksdown Primary School

Return to school letter to parents


Important Letter to Parents

Letter to parents 4th June

Thursday 4 th June , 2020

Dear Parents/ Carers,

Firstly, I hope this letter find all our pupils and families safe and well. Half term was not what we usually experience this year but at least we were blessed with fabulous weather.


You will have been hearing and reading lots of information in the media regarding the possible re-opening of schools across England. I just wanted to clarify Monksdown’s position and reassure you that the safety of our pupils, families and staff will always be my first priority.

Currently, our school is open for children whose parents are key workers or classed as vulnerable. For all other pupils, teachers will continue to provide Home Learning Activities on Seesaw, Purple Mash plus additional work on the school website.


The Local Authority have been clear that no other pupils should return to school before Monday 15 th June, 2020 at the very earliest. Liverpool Schools are expecting a central review conducted by Liverpool City Council on Monday 8 th June, 2020 evaluating whether or not any children in the identified year groups should return to school.


I have been continually working closely with Governors, Staff, Unions and Liverpool Authority to ensure thorough risk assessments are in place and only when I am completely satisfied that all measures are secure and safe will I consider implementing Phase One of the plan which would be to invite Year six pupils back to school.

I will communicate any further plans and updates as and when I receive them.


Take care and stay safe.


Mrs Price


Time Tables Rockstars 04/06/20

The number of Rock Heroes (9) and Rock Legends (29) has remained the same.
Monksdown has moved up the league table to 21st place, well done everyone!
New to the Leaderboard this week 
Leon Xu, Year 3, who enters at number 20
Well done Leon!
Let’s keep on moving up that League table. Everyone start rocking just once a day and improve your score.
Name Status Time
1st Malek Benesa Rock Hero 0.62
2nd  James Geraghty Rock Hero 0.68
3rd Dylan Foster Rock Hero 0.80
4th Artin Kananian Rock Hero 0.85
5th Jason He Rock Hero 0.88
6th James Mcgorrin Rock Hero 0.94
7th Taylor Steer Rock Hero 0.95
7th Sadie Murphy Rock Hero 0.95
9th Aswinn Ravichanddra Rock Hero 0.98
10th Reece He Rock Legend 1.03
11th Luke Griffiths Rock Legend 1.04
11th Sonnie Brearley Rock Legend 1.04
13th Eloim Pollaa Rock Legend 1.10
14th Harry Foxall Rock Legend 1.12
14th Mateusz Gulewicz Rock Legend 1.12
16th Devansh Kala Rock Legend 1.23
17th Max Hutchings Rock Legend 1.41
18th Alise Namavira Rock Legend 1.42
19th Wade Douglas Rock Legend 1.48
20th Leon Xu Rock Legend 1.50
  School time
1st West Derby School 2.77
2nd Croxteth Community Primary School 3.21
3rd Ernest Cookson School 3.25
3rd St John Bosco Arts College 3.25
5th Florence Melly Community Primary School, Liverpool 3.74
6th St Cuthbert’s Catholic Primary And Nursery School 3.80
7th St Teresa Of Lisieux Catholic Primary School 4.06
7th Leamington Community Primary School, Liverpool 4.06
9th St Annes Stanley School, Liverpool 4.21
10th All Saints Catholic Primary School, Anfield 4.33
11th St Matthew’s Catholic Primary School, Liverpool 4.52
12th Anfield Road Primary School, Liverpool 4.72
13th Bank View High School 4.91
14th St Margaret’s Anfield CE Primary School 5.09
15th St Albert’s Catholic Primary School, Liverpool 5.18
16th Corinthian Community Primary School 5.22
17th St Cecilia’s Catholic Junior School, Liverpool 5.76
18th St Mary’s CE Primary School, West Derby 5.92
19th Mab Lane Junior Mixed And Infant School 5.98
20th Blackmoor Park Junior School 5.99
21st Monksdown Primary School 6.03
22nd Lister Junior School 6.05
23rd Fazakerley Primary School 6.57
24th Wellesbourne Community Primary School, Liverpool 6.60
25th Emmaus Church Of England And Catholic Primary School 6.85
26th St Paul’s Catholic Junior School, Liverpool 7.36
27th Broad Square Primary School 7.59
28th Ranworth Square Primary School 9.15
29th Knotty Ash Primary School 11.59
30th Lister Infant and Nursery School 32.46


Times Table Rockstar News

TT Rock Star News
There is no change with the number of Rock Heroes this week (9)
Rock Legends are are up 2 to 29 children
There have been more local schools joining TT Rock Stars so our position has unfortunately dropped to 22nd place in the League table.
Special Mention 
Wade Douglas  is a re entry to top 20  in 19th place
Harry Foxall has improved his score by 21 seconds
Devansh Kala has improved by 9 seconds
Check out the leaderboard on the website under Extra news. 
Keep Rocking Every day!!!
Name Status Time
1st Malek Benesa Rock Hero 0.62
2nd  James Geraghty Rock Hero 0.68
3rd Dylan Foster Rock Hero 0.80
3rd Artin Kananian Rock Hero 0.80
5th Jason He Rock Hero 0.88
6th James Mcgorrin Rock Hero 0.94
7th Taylor Steer Rock Hero 0.95
7th Sadie Murphy Rock Hero 0.95
9th Aswinn Ravichanddra Rock Hero 0.98
10th Reece He Rock Legend 1.03
11th Luke Griffiths Rock Legend 1.04
11th Sonnie Brearley Rock Legend 1.04
13th Eloim Pollaa Rock Legend 1.10
14th Harry Foxall Rock Legend 1.12
14th Mateusz Gulewicz Rock Legend 1.12
16th Devansh Kala Rock Legend 1.23
17th Max Hutchings Rock Legend 1.41
18th Alise Namavira Rock Legend 1.42
19th Wade Douglas Rock Legend 1.48
20th Olivia Cowan Rock Legend 1.51


  School time
1st West Derby School 2.77
2nd St John Bosco Arts College 3.19
3rd Ernest Cookson School 3.25
4th Croxteth Community Primary School 3.28
5th Florence Melly Community Primary School, Liverpool 3.74
6th St Cuthbert’s Catholic Primary And Nursery School 3.81
7th Leamington Community Primary School, Liverpool 4.09
8th St Teresa Of Lisieux Catholic Primary School 4.10
9th St Annes Stanley School, Liverpool 4.23
10th All Saints Catholic Primary School, Anfield 4.32
11th St Matthew’s Catholic Primary School, Liverpool 4.53
12th Anfield Road Primary School, Liverpool 4.73
13th St Margaret’s Anfield CE Primary School 4.87
14th Bank View High School 4.91
15th St Albert’s Catholic Primary School, Liverpool 5.09
16th Corinthian Community Primary School 5.24
17th St Cecilia’s Catholic Junior School, Liverpool 5.81
18th Mab Lane Junior Mixed And Infant School 5.93
19th Blackmoor Park Junior School 6.02
20th St Mary’s CE Primary School, West Derby 6.08
21st Lister Junior School 6.13
22nd Monksdown Primary School 6.14
23rd Wellesbourne Community Primary School, Liverpool 6.34
24th Fazakerley Primary School 6.68
25th Emmaus Church Of England And Catholic Primary School 6.93
26th St Paul’s Catholic Junior School, Liverpool 7.44
27th Broad Square Primary School 7.59
28th Ranworth Square Primary School 9.13
29th Knotty Ash Primary School 11.61
30th Lister Infant and Nursery School 32.46


Mental health awareness week

Its kindness week! Why not take a photo of your kind work and send it to your class teacher, or tweet it to @monksdownprimary

Times Table Record Attempt

A Rocktastic HELLO from everyone at Times Tables Rock Stars HQ!!!

 Have you got what it takes to become a GUINNESS WORLD RECORDS® title holder?

We are inviting you to attempt a Guinness World Records title by answering as many times tables questions correctly as you can in one minute.

Guinness World Records has created a new title – Highest score achieved on ‘Times Tables Rock Stars’ in one minute – and we are looking for players to aim for this special accolade.


It’s simple: get a world-beating score in a Studio game, make sure it’s captured in a video and send a link to that video to by the end of Thursday 4th June (11:59pm GMT).

Here are the requirements:The attempt must take place in a Studio game.

  1. The attempt may take place on any of the following compatible devices:
    • Desktop computer
    • Laptop computer
    • Tablet
    • Phone
  2. The video must adhere to the following:
    • Show the player clearly playing, i.e. hand(s) physically entering numbers on the input device.
    • Show the back of the player’s head or profile to see roughly who they are (just the person’s arm and screen isn’t enough, for example).
    • Show the score and timer clearly.
    • Show the start and end of the game, including a clear shot of the end of game score screen.
    • Be filmed in one take and unedited. No filters, effects, overlays, backing music are allowed. Turn your phone/table/computer on mute.
  3. The game needs to have saved on the TTRS database.



When you have finished your Studio game and saved the video, please upload the original video file using a file transfer platform such as Google Drive, Dropbox or WeTransfer. Then email a link to the video to and provide the name of the player, along with the name of your school. This is so that we can locate the user and the game they played in our database.

 By providing us with your video, you (and if under 18, your parent/guardian) consent(s) to your video, name, and country of residence being published on the Times Tables Rock Stars’ and Guinness World Records’ websites, social media, media press releases and other reasonable marketing and promotional activities associated with this attempt.

Go to for more information.


Good luck and ROCK ON!!!!

Art Competition

Due to our current situation, a lot of what we are seeing is through an open or closed window. Lots of incredible artists have created wonderful pieces of artwork from this perspective and it was made widely popular by the Romantic Artists in the nineteenth century.

I want you to imagine that your window is a picture frame, carefully framing your surroundings. What shapes can you see?

What colours are there?

Are there people in your frame?

Is there anything of interest in your frame?

What is the lighting like in your frame?

I am challenging all children, parents and teachers of Monksdown to create a piece of art entitled “A Room with a View”. You may use any medium that you wish. It can be a sketch, painting, drawing, collage, print, 3D  sculpture, a photograph that you have developed further, anything you may have in your home.

After I have collated all of the artwork, we will be creating a “Virtual Art Gallery” over on our school website to celebrate your work. Please email all finished pieces to me at, or alternatively tweet them to me either at @MissSpalvieri92 or @MonksdownSchool. Deadline is Friday 29th May. Looking forward to seeing your finished pieces.
Miss Spalvieri – Art Lead